Friday, May 27, 2016

Back At It

Long time no see! Wow, it has been a while. I actually forgot that I even had a blog. As I was laying in bed the other night, I randomly thought of my long lost blog, and wondered if it still even existed! It took me a couple of tries to log in, and then there it was! I had fun reading though all my old posts. Especially my days of waiting for Jaden to get home from his mission. Brings back so many memories! Man, I'm so glad those waiting days are over!

Well, since I think my last post was almost 3 years ago... A lot has changed! I want to start getting into blogging again. Especially since we now have a 9 MONTH OLD!
I would like to introduce to you, Arden Mae Seely. Man, we love this little girl! She definitely rules our world, and we wouldn't have it any other way. She is so full of sass already, so wish us luck in the coming years! She is already 9 months old. Which is so crazy to us. Getting so close to having a 1 year old. (ugly cry).

Life is good over here at the Seely residence. Jaden is working full time this summer and will return to school this fall. I am so lucky to be able to stay home with my best girl. I'm excited to get back into the blogging world, so one day me and this little girl can look back at these memories.

Love, The Seely's 

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